I’ll always advocate for policies that create jobs, strengthen small businesses, and help individuals achieve economic prosperity so they can achieve the American Dream.  Americans are facing historic inflation that has caused goods and services to cost on average $16,000 a year per family. Now more than ever it is vital that Congress prioritize revitalizing communities, promoting job creation, and easing burdens on American businesses and individuals. Some of this work includes:

  • Voting for H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Cost Act to empower American energy producers to expand their businesses and create massive amounts of reliable and affordable energy. This will lower costs for employers and families across the board, allowing for the expansion of businesses and creation of new jobs in our economy. 
  • Cosponsoring the REINS Act, legislation that would deliver a blow to the administrative state by restoring Congressional authority in the federal regulatory process. The Biden Administration specializes in creating job-killing regulations, and the REINS Act ensures that Congress will provide a meaningful check on their power going forward. 
  • To incentivize bank lending to small businesses in rural and underserved areas, I introduced the Opportunity Zones Enhancement Act to supercharge investments into opportunity zones, which drives even more private capital into distressed neighborhoods and jump-starts job creation.
  • I’ll continue to fight to maintain the Trump-era tax cuts I voted for that propelled our economy to the best jobs’ numbers in history and rising wages for the middle-class.  These tax cuts doubled the standard deduction, expanded the child tax credit, and delivered a $2,051 tax cut for the average family of four in Kentucky’s Sixth District. 

More on Jobs and the Economy