As a father of three young children, I recognize the importance of our nation’s education system and personally believe the most important investment we can make in our children is providing them with quality instruction and educational opportunities. To ensure that our children reach their highest potential, we must establish a system where decisions are being made by the people most directly involved in the child’s education—the teachers and the parents. Additionally, we must address the needs of our changing labor force and the high cost of education.

  • Member of the Career and Technical Education Caucus
  • Congressman Barr supports funding for the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act- the primary source of funding for state and local CTE programs.
  • Supports funding for TRIO which provides a variety of outreach and support services to encourage low-income, first-generation college students and individuals with disabilities to enter and complete college.
  • Actively working to repeal the windfall elimination provision (WEP) and the government pension offset (GPO) which unfairly punish teachers who pay into both a pension and social security.
  • Voted to reauthorize the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act that is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy.
  • Supports legislation that gives those closest to the students the freedom to decide what is best for their education.
  • Co-led the Building Civic Bridges Act which Administers a grant program to support civic bridgebuilding programs across the nation—funding nonprofits, public institutions, schools, and religious groups, among others—that are striving to heal toxic polarization in the United States through civic bridgebuilding
  • Supports legislation that expands 529 programs to be eligible to pay for additional elementary and secondary schools expenses as well as expenses associated with obtaining or maintaining postsecondary credentials.
  • Strongly condemned and denounced the drastic rise of antisemitism in schools across the United States.
  • Works closely with the various Universities and Colleges in the Sixth District to secure grants and funding for their initiatives.

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