Protecting the lives of the unborn, women’s sports, and religious freedoms are key cultural issues of our time. I’ll continue to fight for traditional and conservative principles that are in line with Kentucky values. Here is some of my work on this front: 

  • Voted to prohibit any taxpayer funding of abortion. 
  • Supported the Born Alive Protection Act, requiring medical care for babies born alive in botched abortions. 
  • Sending an amicus brief supporting the reversal of Roe v Wade during the court’s consideration of the Dobbs v Jackson Women's Health Organization.
  • Condemned in a House Resolution the attacks on churches and pro-life organizations following the reversal of Roe.
  • Member of the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus which provides important opportunities to work with other Members of Congress to promote pro-life policies.
  • Cosponsored and voted for legislation preventing federal funds from going to colleges and universities that allow biological men to compete in women’s sports.
  • Cosponsored “The End Taxpayer Funding of Gender Experimentation Act” which protects children and the conscience of taxpayers by prohibiting federal funding of gender reassignment surgeries and treatments.

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