Washington, D.C.—U.S. Congressman Andy Barr (KY-06) voted for a clean extension of Family Violence Prevention and Services Act programs offered by Congresswoman Julia Letlow (R-LA).  The Letlow proposal mirrors legislation Congress has passed with overwhelming bipartisan support for over three decades. 

Instead of continuing this bipartisan tradition, House Democrats rejected the Letlow proposal and chose instead to push a highly controversial, new bill which would threaten well-established domestic violence prevention programs.  Specifically, the bill would pave the way for eliminating the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits taxpayer funding of abortions.  Democrats’ new version also strips protections for religious organizations, preventing women’s shelters and other advocates from providing victims of domestic abuse housing or services that are in line with their sincerely held religious beliefs.

“Today, I voted for a clean extension of key domestic violence prevention and treatment programs,” said Congressman Barr.  “Congress should honor Domestic Violence Awareness Month by renewing the authorization for these critical programs without jeopardizing religious liberties.  I commend Congresswoman Letlow for her leadership on this bill and I call on the House to pass a non-partisan reauthorization of these vital programs.”

“I was proud to bring forward this amendment to continue the critical programs contained in the Family Violence Prevention & Services Act, take out the Democrats’ radical provisions, and keep the focus on the people who truly need these services the most,” said Congresswoman Letlow.  
