Congressman Andy Barr (KY-06) released the following statement following House passage of the JOBS and Investor Confidence Act, a bipartisan package of capital formation reforms to unleash economic opportunities for small businesses and entrepreneurs:
“With the number of business start-ups at a 40-year low and the lowest number of companies going public in two decades, it is imperative that we modernize our nation’s securities laws to remain globally competitive,” said Congressman Barr. “After the passage of the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act, which provided much-needed regulatory relief to community financial institutions and their customers, our Committee has worked diligently to also ensure small businesses and entrepreneurs have access to capital. Together, greater access to community financial institutions and capital markets will allow Kentucky small businesses to innovate, grow, and prosper. I look forward to the Senate’s consideration of these much-needed regulatory reforms, with the goal of putting forward the best bill possible to the President for signature.”