Washington, DC - Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed Congressman Barr’s legislation, the “Science and Technology Agreement Enhanced Congressional Notification Act”, which seeks to establish a new era of rigorous transparency and accountability in United States and People’s Republic of China relations by enforcing congressional supervision on any scientific and technological partnership agreements between the two nations. This legislation would require—no later than 15 days before the date on which a renewal or extension of the Science Technology Agreement (STA) (including any sub-agreements entered into pursuant to the STA Agreement), or the entry into or renewal or extension of any other “science and technology agreement” with the Government of China or a Chinese entity can enter into effect—the Secretary of State to submit a detailed notification to Congress. Additionally, this legislation requires the Administration to submit the full text of any agreement Congress and ensure it does not threated U.S. national security.

“This legislation closes a dangerous loophole in our oversight of science and technology agreements with China,” said Rep. Andy Barr. “For too long, the Chinese Communist Party has exploited these partnerships to gain access to sensitive technologies that could threaten our national security. This bill ensures Congress has the power to review and scrutinize every agreement, making sure that we are protecting America’s interests and holding China accountable. We cannot continue to allow blind trust to dictate our security.”


“Under Chairman Xi, China's ambition to become a science and technology superpower is closely intertwined with its military modernization efforts. The last time Congress legislated oversight on science and technology agreements was in 2003 - but China is not the same country as it was twenty years ago," said Chairman Michael McCaul. "I am grateful the House passed Congressman Barr’s STA Act with bipartisan support. It sends an important message that the U.S. is committed to preventing the CCP from leveraging our expertise to build their military-industrial complex.”


“The U.S.-China Science and Technology Agreement is a bad idea whose time is past. Rep. Barr’s important legislation would advance congressional oversight and mandate clear guardrails to protect our national security and economic prosperity," said Chairman John Moolenaar. "The Select Committee included this critical legislation in our December economic and technology competition report, and I am grateful for Rep. Barr’s leadership in advancing this bill out of the House.”

