Washington, DC Congressman Barr released the following statement on the Supreme Court's decision regarding the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority (HISA).

“I am encouraged by the Supreme Court's decision to leave undisturbed the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals' ruling upholding the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority (HISA). This decision validates HISA's constitutionality, allowing the Authority to continue its crucial work.

As the co-author of HISA, I am committed to ensuring the integrity and safety of horse racing in the United States. This decision reinforces our efforts to establish national, uniform standards to protect the welfare of our equine athletes and reinforce public confidence in the sport.

I remain dedicated to collaborating with all stakeholders to ensure the successful implementation of HISA and to maintain the highest standards of safety and fairness in horseracing.  This will secure the future prosperity of this signature industry for Kentucky.”