Washington, DC

In my Washington, DC office, internships run throughout the fall, spring and summer semesters for college students. Intern responsibilites will vary between giving tours of the US Capitol, answering phones, researching legislation for the Member and legislative staff, attending hearings and briefings, and answering constituent mail. Hours are flexible to accommodate students' course schedules, but generally run 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Deadlines for Applying:

July 1st for Fall Internships

November 1st for Spring Internships

March 1st for Summer Internships


In my Lexington office, internships run on the same schedule: fall, spring, and summer semesters for college students. Intern responsibilites will vary between answering phones, processing constituent mail, assisting with constituent casework, and working on District-based projects of importance. Hours are flexible to accomodate students' course schedules, and part-time internships are available. 

Deadlines for Applying:

July 1st for Fall Internships

November 1st for Spring Internships

March 1st for Summer Internships

Internship Application

Internship Application

Note: Fields marked with an * are required.

Permanent Address (if different)

Academic Information
Is academic credit available for internships?
At which location are you looking to intern? *
Skills applicable to internship
Additional Information
Human Validation