Lexington, KY— Today, U.S. Congressman Andy Barr (KY-06) announced a slew of Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) grants totaling almost $3.5 million for Kentucky’s Sixth Congressional District. 

“I am pleased to announce multiple grants from the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) that are being awarded to communities and organizations in the Sixth District,” said Congressman Barr.  “These grants will boost economic development, capital access for small communities, broadband expansion efforts and support second chance employment services for Kentuckians in recovery for substance abuse.  I voted for the ARC funding used to make these grants possible, and I look forward to continuing to work with ARC to support communities in the Sixth District.”

Congressman Barr voted for the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, which included funding for ARC.  A full list of the grants provided to Kentucky’s Sixth Congressional District is below:

  • $1,500,000 to the Mountain Association for Community Economic Development (MACED) for the Economic Recovery and Resilience in Eastern Kentucky Project.  It is estimated that that 1,240 businesses and 50 participants will be served with 180 jobs created and $6.7 million in private investment leveraged because of this project.
  • $1,221,825 to the Isaiah House Treatment Center for the Reliance Works Second Chance Employment Expansion to Eastern Kentucky Project.  This project will create 50 new jobs and provide on-the-job training for 70 Kentuckians in substance abuse recovery.
  • $630,000 to the Community Ventures Corporation (CVC) for the Appalachia Access to Capital Initiative.  CVC will provide educations opportunities for communities, businesses, and individuals.  This project is expected to serve 27 businesses and create 46 jobs while retaining 53 jobs.  $15 million in private investment is expected to be leveraged.
  • $50,000 to Robertson County to conduct a Broadband Feasibility Study.  This project will produce a feasibility study and strategic plan to expand access to broadband internet service throughout Robertson County, Kentucky. 
